With “Mimi”

Granada du Plessis, best known by her nickname “Mimi” is one of Bettina’s most admired exhibition partners. You can see a video of Mimi in action during a fundraiser for the Caumsett State Historic Park in New York, an estate that was once in Bettina’s family, by clicking here. The photo below is Mimi in action in 2012 for an exhibition at the Old Greenwich Polo Club in Connecticut.

The two photos below are of “Mimi” exhibiting her talent at the retired age of 23 during the 2017 APAHA teaching workshop.

Truvere, sire of “Mimi” at Club Epique at Bougenais in Nantes, France. You can see Truvere in action in this video of Bettina’s early career — click here.

(Copyrights: All photos are copyright under the P. Fields’ and Bettina Drummond photo collections. Not to be reprinted without permission.)